博士、副教授、硕士生导师。学海浩瀚,书山峥嵘;蹉跎十年,收效甚微;无可奈何,老实搬砖。 |
2018年至今 西华大学金沙集团888881 |
2017年获电子科技大学博士学位;2014至2015年在美国联合培养 |
1. 研究兴趣: [03] 无线通信/探测/感知技术 [02] 5G/6G共性技术与工/农业应用 [01] 微波毫米波电路/天线/系统 ----------------------------------- 2. 硕士招生学科: 信息与通信工程 电子信息(全日制) 电子信息(非全日制) 期望硕士同学们通过三年努力: 找个喜欢的地方开心搬砖 ----------------------------------- 3. 合作交流:与国内外微波领域的一些研究团队保持紧密合作,已合作发表论文20余篇,开展特邀分会等学术活动近10次。具体如下: [05] Prof. Maurizio Bozzi, University of Pavia, Italy. [04] Prof. Guoan Wang, University of South Carolina, USA. [03] Prof. Haiyan Jin & Prof. Shuai Ding, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China. [02] Prof. Alexandre Jean René Serres, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil. [01] Dr. Ahmed Boutjdar, Braunschweig MFG, Germany. |
1. 科研项目:2018年至今,共参与科技委主题/培育项目、四川省重大科技专项、四川省重点研发计划等各类项目10余项,其中主持省部级项目2项,主研国家、省部级项目9项。部分代表性项目如下: [12] 基于负时延补偿理论的高精度通信传输技术研究,智能终端四川省重点实验室开放基金,2022,主持 [11] 基于无线传感与深度学习的火灾预警技术研究 子课题二,四川省重点研发计划,2020-2021,主持 [10] 可重构全息超表面天线,四川省重点研发计划,2018-2020,主持 [09] 用于新式载具的仿生超分辨天线技术研究,智能空地融合载具及管控教育部工程研究中心开放基金,2020-2022,主持 [08] 基于负群时延补偿的卫星通信天线技术,四川省重点研发计划,2021-2022,第二 [07] 基于相控阵的无线输能技术研究,四川省应用基础研究项目,2020-2021,第二 [06] 面向大型发电装备智能工厂的5G应用关键技术研究及示范,四川省科技重大专项,2020-2022,第二 [05] 基于移动互联网和云计算的李庄古镇AR智能展示系统,四川省重点研发计划,2020-2021,第三 [04] 基于5G的虚拟现实VR/AR关键技术研究,四川省重点研发计划,2019-2021,第二 [03] 基于PIN二极管的5G毫米波方向图可重构天线技术研究,四川省重点研发计划,2019-2020,第二 [02] 基于xxx的xxx增强技术研究,科技委创新特区培育项目,2019-2020,第三 [01] xxx阵列技术研究,科技委创新特区主题项目,2018-2019,第四 2. 学术论文:发表或共同发表学术论文60余篇,其中一作/通讯作者SCI论文20余篇,IMS、AP-S等旗舰会议论文10篇。 2.1 部分期刊论文如下: [32] B. Wang, and Y. M. Huang. Half-mode substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filters with stubs-loaded complementary split-ring resonators for depressed machining tolarence[J]. Progr. Electromag. Res. M, 2021, 106: 2021081104. [31] H. Jin, X. Jing, Y. M. Huang, H. Jin, and Y. Zhou. Slow-wave substrate integrated waveguide with rotary tensor unit cells for filters application[J]. IEICE Electron. Expr., 2021, 18(20): 20210334. [30] W. Jiang*, Y. M. Huang, B. Zhang, J. Ling, and C. Waldschmidt. A Ka-band pattern-reconfigurable microstrip antenna enabled by PIN diodes with accurate extraction of equivalent circuit parameters[J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2021, 54(21): 215303. [29] Q.-S. Jia, S. Ding*, H.-B. Dong, X. Han, Z.-J. Zhu, B.-Z. Wang, Y. M. Huang*, and M. Bozzi. Synthesis of Bessel beam using time-reversal method incorporating metasurface[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 30677-30686. [28] Y. Zhou, H. Jin*, Y. M. Huang, D. Xu, S. Ding, P. Wang, M. Bozzi, and L. Perrigrini. Slow-wave effect enhanced substrate integrated waveguide with multi-antipodal blind via-holes and distributed metal strips[J]. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 2020, 30(8): 753-756. [27] X. Han, S. Ding*, Y.-M. Huang*, Y. Zhou, H. Tang, and B. Wang. Frequency diversity array for near-field focusing[J]. Electronics, 2020, 9(6): 958. [26] L. Deng, Y. M. Huang*, Q. Chen, Y. He*, and X. Sui. Collaborative blind equalization for time-varying OFDM applications enabled by normalized least mean and recursive square methodologies[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 103073-103087. [25] Y. Zhou, H. Jin*, Y. M. Huang, S. Ding, D. Xu, N. Delmonte, M. Bozzi, and L. Perregrini. An effective mixed extracting method for electromagnetic parameters of periodically loaded substrate integrated waveguide units and its applications[J]. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 2020, 68(2): 543-554. [24] H. Jin*, Y. Zhou, Y. M. Huang*, T. Wang, Y. Zhang, and H. Lu. Uni-antenna spatial energy compression based on unsteady coherent interference[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 169133-169141. [23] Y. M. Huang*, S. Ding*, G. Wang, and M. Bozzi. Compact equal-width equal-length phase shifter with slow-wave half-mode substrate integrated waveguide for 5G applications[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 160595-160609. [22] L. Wang, Z. He, Y. M. Huang*, S. Ding, and M. Bozzi. HMSIW cavity filters employing various complementary split-ring resonators for microwave remote sensing applications[J]. Applied Comput. Electromagn. Society Journal, 2019, 38(9): 1391-1398. [21] S. Ding*, Y. M. Huang*, H. Tang, M. Bozzi, B.-Z. Wang. Achieving spatial multi-point focusing by frequency diversity array[J]. Electronics, 2019, 8(8): 883, Aug. 2019. [20] F. Yan*, Y. M. Huang, T. Huang, S. Ding, K. Wang, and M. Bozzi. Transversely compact single-ended and balanced bandpass filters with source-load-coupled spurlines[J]. Electronics, 2019, 8(4): 416. [19] 饶晓红, 倪飘, 金海焱, 黄涛, 黄永茂*. 基于相邻-非相邻耦合的小型化微带带通滤波器[J]. 电子技术应用, 2018, 7: 11-14. (获本刊2018年度优秀论文三等奖). [18] 黄鹏, 黄永茂, 李良荣*, 金海焱. 基于缺陷地结构的微带低通滤波器设计[J]. 强激光与离子束, 2018, 30: 123003. [17] Y. M. Huang*, H. Jin, Y. Zhou, S. Leng, and M. Bozzi. Wideband isolation-improved substrate-integrated waveguide power dividers/combiners[J]. Int’l J. Microw. Wireless Technol., 2018, 10(9): 1019-1027. [16] Y. Zhou, Y. M. Huang, H. Jin*, S. Ding, D. Xu, L. Silvestri, M. Bozzi, and L. Perregrini. Slow-wave half-mode substrate integrated waveguide 3-dB Wilkinson power divider/combiner incorporating nonperiodic patterning[J]. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 2018, 28(9): 765-767. [15] H. Jin*, Y. M. Huang, H. Jin, and K. Wu. E-band substrate integrated waveguide orthomode transducer integrated with dual-polarized horn antenna[J]. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2018, 66(5): 2291-2298. [14] Y. M. Huang, W. Jiang, H. Jin*, Y. Zhou, S. Leng, G. Wang, and K. Wu. Substrate integrated waveguide power combiner/divider incorporating absorbing material[J]. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 2017, 27(10): 885-887. [13] H. Jin*, Y. Zhou, Y. M. Huang, and K. Wu. Slow-wave propagation properties of substrate integrated waveguide based on anisotropic artificial material[J]. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2017, 65(9): 4676-4683. [12] Y. M. Huang, Y. Peng, Y. Zhou, H. Jin, S. Leng, and G. Wang. Size-reduced dual-band half-mode substrate integrated waveguide cavity filters loaded with double-sided stepped-impedance complementary split-ring resonators[J]. Electron. Lett., 2017, 53(10): 689-691. [11] Y. M. Huang, Y. Peng, W. Jiang, T. Wang, H. Jin, S. Leng, and G. Wang. Matched-loads using substrate integrated waveguide and shaped absorbing material for Ka/Q-band applications[J]. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 2017, 59(5): 1174-1178. [10] H. Jin*, Y. Zhou, Y. M. Huang, S. Ding, and K. Wu. Miniaturized broadband coupler made of slow-wave half-mode substrate integrated waveguide[J]. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 2017, 27(2): 132−134. [09] T. Huang, Z. Shao*, Y. M. Huang. Size-miniaturized and selectivity-enhanced bandpass filter using folded stepped-impedance resonators[J]. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 2017, 59(1): 60−62. [08] Z. He, C. J. You*, X. Li, S. Leng, Y. M. Huang, and H. Jin. Compact filter based on a hybrid structure of substrate integrated waveguide and coplanar waveguide[J]. IEICE Electron. Expr., 2017, 14(3): 20161198. [07] T. Wang, Y. Peng, W. Jiang, Y. M. Huang, B. M. F. Rahman, R. Divan, D. Rosenmann, and G. Wang*. Integrating nanopatterned Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric thin films for electrically tunable RF applications[J]. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2017, 65(2): 504−512. [06] Y. M. Huang, Z. Shao*, W. Jiang, T. Huang, and G. Wang, “Half-mode substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter loaded with horizontal-asymmetrical stepped-impedance complementary split-ring resonators[J]. Electron. Lett., 2016, 52(12): 1034−1036. [05] W. Jiang, W. Shen, T. Wang, Y. M. Huang, Y. Peng, G. Wang*. Compact dual-band filter using open/short stub loaded stepped impedance resonators (OSLSIRs/SSLSIRs) [J]. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 2016, 26(9): 672−674. [04] Y. M. Huang, Z. He, Z. Shao*, C. You, and D. Jiang. A bandpass filter based on half mode substrate integrated waveguide -to- defected ground structure cells[J]. Int’l J. Antennas Propag., 2015, 2015: 969035. [03] D. Jiang*, Y. Huang*, T. Huang, R. Xu, and Z. Shao. Implementation of a compact microstrip power divider using novel split ring resonator[J]. Optik-Int’l J. Light Electron Opt., 2015, 126(19): 1782−1786. [02] Y. Huang, Z. Shao*, and L. Liu. A substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter using novel defected ground structure shape[J]. Progr. Electromagn. Res., 2013, 135: 201-213. [01] Z. He, J. Cai*, Z. Shao, X. Li, and Y. Huang. A novel power divider integrated with SIW and DGS technology[J]. Progr. Electromagn. Res., 2013, 139: 289-301, 2013.
2.2 旗舰会议论文如下: [17] 吴志斌, 黄永茂, 江婉, 周瑜亮, 丁帅, 金海焱. 基于电控液晶的可重构全息阻抗调制表面天线[C]. 全国微波毫米波会议, 南京, 2021, 783-785. [16] Y. M. Huang*, Y. Zhou, S. Ding, G. Wang, and M. Bozzi, Non-uniform polylines enabled slow-wave half-mode substrate integrated waveguide for flexible phase shifting application[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, Shanghai, China, 2020, 1-4. [15] Y. M. Huang*, Y. Zhou, H. Jin, G. Wang, and M. Bozzi. Miniaturized evanescent mode substrate integrated waveguide filter with mixed-coupled folded complementary split-ring resonators[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, Guangzhou, China, 2019, 1-4. [14] Y. M. Huang*, Y. Zhou, H. Jin, and M. Bozzi. Size-reduced evanescent mode substrate integrated waveguide filter with mixed-coupled CSRRs[C]. IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2018, 1-4. [13] Y. Zhou, Y. M. Huang, H. Jin*, D. Xu, M. Bozzi, and L. Perregrini. Effective extracting method for electromagnetic parameters of periodically loaded substrate integrated waveguide units[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia, 2018, 1050-1053. [12] Y. M. Huang*, Y. Zhou, T. Wang, H. Jin, Y. Sun, S. Leng, and G. Wang. Small-reflected substrate integrated waveguide termination with multi-step shape and absorbing material[C]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2017, 2605-2606. [11] Y. M. Huang*, Y. Sun, T. Wang, H. Jin, Y. Zhou, S. Leng, and G. Wang. Resistors-loaded substrate integrated waveguide power combiner/divider[C]. presented at IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2017. [10] Y. M. Huang*, W. Jiang, Y. Peng, T. Wang, H. Jin, S. Leng, and G. Wang. Miniaturized dual-band filters based on quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide loaded with double-sided stepped-impedance complementary split-ring resonators[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, USA, 2017, 1923-1926. [09] Y. Zhou, H. Jin*, Y. M. Huang, and H. Jin. Slow-wave substrate integrated waveguide with partially polyline loading[C]. European Microwave Conference, Nurnberg, Germany, 2017, 691-694. [08] W. Jiang, Y. M. Huang, T. Wang, Y. Peng, and G. Wang*. Microstrip balanced quad-channel diplexer using dual-open/short-stub loaded resonator[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 2016, 1-4. [07] Y. Peng, T. Wang, Y. M. Huang, W. Jiang, and G. Wang*. Electrically tunable bandpass filtering balun on engineered substrate embedded with patterned Permalloy thin film[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 2016, 1-4. [06] W. Jiang, T. Wang, Y. Peng, Y. M. Huang, and G. Wang*, Bandpass filtering power divider with sharp roll-off skirt and enhanced in-band isolation[C], IEEE MTT-S International Microwave. Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 2016, 1−4. [05] Y. Peng, Y. M. Huang, T. Wang, W. Jiang, and G. Wang*, Electrically tunable bandpass filtering balun on engineered substrate embedded with patterned Permalloy thin film, presented at MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, USA, 2016. [04] Y. M. Huang*, T. Huang, Z. Shao, C. J. You, and G. Wang. Bandpass power dividers using quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide and defected ground structure[C]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2015, 1596-1597. [03] Y. M. Huang, Z. Shao*, C. J. You, and G. Wang. Size-reduced bandpass filters using quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide loaded with different defected ground structure patterns[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Phoenix, USA, 2015, 1-4. [02] Z. He, Z. Shao*, C. J. You, Y. M. Huang, and X. Li, Design of compact bandpass filter based on quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide with mixed coupling[C], Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Nanjing, China, 2015, 3: 1−3. [01] Y. M. Huang, Z. Shao*, C. J. You, and Z. He. A modified doublet bandpass filter with substrate integrated waveguide -to- defected ground structure cell for bandwidth enhancement and source-load coupling[C]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Sendai, Japan, 2014, 1315-1317. 3. 学术交流: [17] Applied Computatioonal Electromagnetic Society Symposium, Chengdu, China, July 28-31, 2021 [16] 中国微波周暨全国微波毫米波会议,南京,2021年5月17日-22日 [15] 重庆邮电大学信息与通信工程学科青年学者论坛,重庆,2020年10月9日-10日 [14] IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, Shanghai, China, September 20-23, 2020 [13] Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xiamen, China, December 17-19, 2019 [12] IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, Guangzhou, China, May 20-23, 2019 [10] IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia, USA, June 10-15, 2018 [09] IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 3-8, 2018 [08] IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, USA, June 4-9, 2017 [07] IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 9-14, 2017 [06] IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 19-25, 2015 [05] IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, USA, May 17-22, 2015 [04] 31st International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, March 22-26, 2015 [03] Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Guangzhou, China, August, 22-26, 2014 [02] Joint Conference of International Conference on Communication Problem-Solving and High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum (2013-2015) [01] International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (2010-2012) 4. 发明专利: [20] 黄永茂, 何宇, 王未来, 江婉. 一种基于强化学习的基片集成波导参数优化方法及结构, ZL202111165664.X [19] 黄永茂, 王未来, 周婷. 加载互补阶梯折叠开口环的SIW滤波功分器及设计方法, 202210081961.4 [18] 黄永茂, 吴志斌, 王未来, 周婷. 一种基于高阶模的慢波基片集成波导双工天线, 202111190101.6 [17] 黄永茂, 王未来, 江婉, 廖超, 刘达吏. 一种围栏型低损耗宽带负群时延补偿电路, ZL202111424838.X [16] 黄永茂, 王未来, 江婉, 周婷, 郭奕. 内嵌耦合金属线的半模基片集成波导液晶可调滤波器, ZL202110396713.4 [15] 王未来, 黄永茂, 何宇, 周婷, 江婉, 卿朝进. 三维阻抗网络双面加载的慢波基片集成波导及其设计方法, ZL202110553726.8 [14] 黄永茂, 吴志斌, 周婷, 江婉, 郭奕. 基于层叠结构和液晶的可重构全息阻抗调制表面天线, 202110399294.X [13] 贾青松, 丁帅, 韩旭, 黄永茂. 用于多波束赋形的反射型微波段可编程1-bit超表面, 202110075485.0 [12] 郭奕, 熊雪军, 徐亮, 黄永茂, 卿朝进, 黄文韬. 一种基于特征融合与集成学习的语音情感分类方法, 202110209708.8 [11] 江婉, 黄永茂, 郭奕, 周婷. 射频开关的单辐射体方向图与极化重构装置及方法, ZL202011544596.3 [10] 邓力, 黄永茂, 贺元骅, 刘全义, 王海斌, 王康, 朱博. 一种毫米波感烟探测装置及其探测方法, 202011337255.9 [09] 卿朝进, 董磊, 王莉, 付小伟, 黄永茂. 基于DDST及深度学习的信道估计与信号检测方法, 202011313930.4 [08] 郭奕, 王晓兰, 黄永茂, 卿朝进, 代晓天, 刘洋成, 熊雪军, 肖舒予. 一种基于预分类与集成学习的驾驶风格分类方法, 202010459852.2 [07] 郭奕, 伏淇, 黄永茂, 卿朝进, 张岷涛, 江婉, 周婷, 肖舒予. 基于改进粒子群算法的非入侵式负荷识别方法, 201910856379.9 [06] 郭奕, 肖舒予, 刘昊, 黄永茂. 一种主动式广播电台播出单管理控制方法. 201811139314.4 [05] 黄鹏, 李良荣, 金海焱, 黄永茂. 改进的缺陷地结构低通滤波器, ZL201811085973.4 [04] 黄永茂, 丁帅, 倪飘. 一种新型基片集成波导功率分配/合成器, 201811035955.5 [03] 金海焱, 黄永茂, 金海陆, 黄鹏, 周瑜亮. 一种新型基片集成波导极化双工天线系统, 201810233822.2 [02] 金海焱, 周瑜亮, 金海陆, 黄永茂, 廖丹. 小型化宽带慢波半模基片集成波导耦合器及其设计方法, ZL201710001753.8 [01] 金海焱, 周瑜亮, 廖丹, 黄永茂, 金海陆. 基于集总参数电感加载的慢波基片集成波导, ZL201710153929.1 5. 学生指导: [06] 2021年指导硕士生获四川省大学生“数据挖掘挑战赛”四川省三等奖1项 [05] 2020年指导本科生获大学生“5G技术应用大赛”全国二等奖1项、四川省一等奖1项 [04] 2020年指导本科生团队获“西华杯”创新创业大赛项目1项:一种自动垃圾分类装置 [03] 2020指导本科生发表学术论文1篇:一种混合耦合型消失模滤波器 [02] 2019年指导本科生团队获四川省大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项:西瓜慧-智慧校园社交服务平台 [01] 2019年指导本科生团队获“西华杯”创新创业大赛项目1项:混合耦合消失模机理分析 |
1. 课程教学:承担电子信息大类相关专业基础课、专业必修课的教学工作。部分教学课程如下: [04] 无线通信与移动网络 [03] 数据与计算机通信 [02] 通信原理 [01] 多媒体通信技术 2. 教学改革:承担教育部产学合作协同育人项目、四川省教育厅本科质量提升与教学改革项目等省部级教改项目8项,其中主持2项、参与6项;主持校级一流课程1门。部分代表性教改工作如下: [06] 行业需求导向的地方高校能源动力(电气工程方向)专业硕士研究生多维度培养模式研究及实践, 四川省2021-2023年高等教育人才培养质量与教学改革项目, 2021.12-2023.12, 参与 [05] 面向基础强固与创新能力提升的通信工程类虚拟仿真实验平台建设, 教育部—武汉凌特产学合作协同育人项目, 2020.01-2020.12, 主持 [04] 面向新工科的电子信息类探索型创新实践平台建设, 教育部—美科科技产学合作协同育人项目, 2019.03-2019.12, 主持 [03] 理论与应用相融合的人工智能师资培训, 教育部—广州泰迪产学合作协同育人项目, 2020.01-2020.12, 参与 [02] 以能力为核心, 构建学科融合与多元协同的电子信息类人才培养体系, 四川省2018-2020年高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革项目, 2018.12-2020.12, 参与 [01] 基于艺术与科技的课程体系与实践基地建设, 教育部—美科科技产学合作协同育人项目, 2020.01-2020.12, 参与 3. 教改论文:已发表或共同发表教改论文6篇: [05] 郭奕, 董秀成, 王维博, 黄永茂*. 构建省属高校电子信息专业创新能力培养体系[J]. 科教导刊(下旬刊), 2020(21):78-79. [04] 房玉*, 刘栋博, 郭奕, 黄永茂, 王维博, 王海滨. 基于新工程师能力培养的"信号与系统"课程改革与探讨[J]. 当代教育实践与教学研究, 2020(13):40-41. [03] 刘栋博*, 房玉, 黄永茂, 郭奕, 王维博, 王海滨. 新时代背景下“自动控制理论”教育方法的探讨[J]. 科教导刊(中旬刊), 2020(01):71-72. [02] 黄永茂*, 房玉, 郭奕, 王维博, 王海滨. 传统课堂教学与蓝墨云融合型平时成绩评价体系探索[J]. 才智, 2019(35):12-13. [01] 李天倩, 王海滨, 王维博, 郭奕, 黄永茂, 阳小明*. 地方高校电磁场与电磁波教材编写思路探索[J]. 中国电力教育, 2019(08):72-74. 4. 教材编著:合作出版教材一本: [01] 郭奕, 黄永茂. Python工程应用——数据分析基础与实践. 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社, 2021.02. |
[05] 2021 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters Special Distinction Reviewer [04] 2020年获四川省教育厅“立德树人”征文比赛三等奖 [03] 2019年入选西华大学青年学者后备人才计划 [02] 2019年入选西华大学教师职业生涯发展计划 [01] 2018年获四川省第26届高校新入职教师职业技能培训优秀示范课学员 |
[07] IEEE/IEEE MTT-S/IEEE AP-S、ACES、中国电子学会物联网专委会会员 [06] IEEE TMTT、IEEE TAP、IEEE TTST、IEEE TCAS2、High Voltage、IEEE MWCL、IET EL、IET CDS、CIE-CJE、IJMWT、MMCE、MOP等电子/通信/电气领域20个SCI期刊审稿人 [05] 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium特邀分会联席组织人和主持人 [04] 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility技术委员会委员 [03] 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility技术委员会委员 [02] Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering编委会成员(2020-2022) [01] 成都昇锋微电通信科技有限公司(2021年至今)、成都邑电信息技术服务有限公司(2018-2019)技术顾问 |